Monday, May 12, 2008

Destress Time!

So it's one of those days where work has gotten you down, life just seems so unfair....feel like this?

Well guess what! Here's a few hints to help:

  • MMORPGS: For the technology lovers if you already don't play or know what these are, MMORPG stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. These can be incredibly relaxing also a good quick escape from your life when you need it. Some people worry that they can be overly addicting like World Of Warcraft and Everquest and also an expensive habit, but no need to worry! Acclaim and a few other sites offer free MMORPGS, and it also helps to set yourself a time limit and a time of day to play. Follow this closely if you feel you have an addictive personality. If not, just be careful to balance your digital life and real life.
  • Art: has always been a really great way to relax, don't worry if your not that good, try something simple like drawing faces or even stick figures!
  • Quick Fix: If you're at work and it's just stressful, steal a quick 60 second break and find a mirror and make a funny face at yourself. It relaxes the muscles in your face and also you can't help but to laugh at yourself. Laughing always makes you feel better.

All in all you just need to take a break sometimes and enjoy the simple and small things that there are to enjoy!

Monday, February 11, 2008

This message is from a Virgin Mobile customer. Enjoy.

Sick Days

We all know sick days are no fun. Trust me, living up north where temperatures get cold and miserable, getting sick is very easy during the winter.

So lets see, your sick, your laying in bed in pajamas, reading a book or magazine. Everyone says when you get sick, bed rest bed rest bed rest.
Not so, your health also depends on your pyshcological thinking. Get out of bed, grab a shower, put on your favorite outfit, even your favorite underwear and socks and put on your daily makeup. In fact have a little fun with your hair, see what you can do that's new and fun for your hair.
Go out some place, with out over doing it of course, and enjoy your day.
Sure there maybe some sniffles and sneezes, but think of how great you look, compared to being in bed and feeling sorry for yourself. Try the mall or if you want to take it easy, go to the library, find a book on a subject you've always wanted to read about. Make your day something special for you.
The more you associate illness with 'me' time and the more you'll recover faster.

Here's some products to help remedy sick days that I've found that work.

Seacret Body Lotion-it comes in 3 different scents and feels very good on your face and any other part that feels dry.

BedHead Treat Me Right hair mask- The peppermint smell is enough to make sinus feel better, plus your scalp and hair will thank you for 5 minute soak. It also has a cooling effect on any part of the skin it touches so I can tell you it feels good.

  • Look for sprays and perfumes that have a citrus scent to them. Studies have shown that citrus scents perk up people and in general and a great way to bring up the mood.
  • Try having a calender or some sort of photo of the tropics in your room, it'll help to brighten your day.
  • Flowers, real or fake, always make moods brighter.

That's all for now,

Roberta S.